
Veterinary Care Services In Roswell, GA

We offer a wide range of specialized veterinary services to make your pet's journey to lasting wellness as efficient and effective as possible.

Our Services
Vaccinations and Examinations

​​​​​​​Vaccinations and Examinations

Regular vaccinations and examinations will help keep your pet healthy and happy. While your veterinarian will be able to advise you of the frequency that your pet should be examined,

​​​​​​​Dental Hygiene and Oral Care

​​​​​​​Dental Hygiene and Oral Care

Don't ignore your pet's bad breath! Lack of proper dental hygiene is often the cause of stinky breath, but it may also indicate other, more serious issues with your pet's health.



Microchips are placed under your pet’s skin and, at the same size as a grain of rice, they are impossible to locate precisely once they have been inserted. 



In the case of terminal illness and/or debilitating pain or suffering, one of the kindest things that we can do for them is to relieve them of that burden by making the difficult decision to put them to sleep.

​​​​​​​Flea Prevention and Care

​​​​​​​Flea Prevention and Care

Every parent to a furry pet knows how much of a nuisance fleas can be. At best, your pets become itchy and skittish, but at worst they become miserable and lethargic.